Blackboard Learn is the course management system used to deliver courses at Allen College. Blackboard Learn is not to be confused with NetLearning, ATI Testing or CareCast Testing.
Forgot Password?
- Go to
- Click on the Forgot your Password (located in the bottom righthand corner).
- Choose either the username option or the email address option. (Only fill out info for one or the other or the system will not let you continue.)
- Your username is your full Allen College email address (for example
- Your name is whatever it was in the CAMS system. (In some cases this will be a shortened version of your official name, for example Bill instead of William.)
- Click submit.
- A password reset will be sent to your email address.
- Follow the directions contained within the email to reset your password and to login.
Technical Support
Online Technical support for Blackboard is available at:
You may also contact Erin Flage at (319) 226-2085 or for additional technical support.